Monday, May 21, 2018

In the Acquisitions Department

So, my wife was on a trip to see a good friend for a week. While she was away, I found the need to buy a new electric guitar, electric lawn shears, a ton of potting soil, lots of seasonal plants, underwear, household supplies, cat food and people food, gas for our car, meat for grilling, a t-shirt for an upcoming bike ride, three books, and a harmonica holder. I choose to use that time to acquire things that I am sure will make my life better--to a point.

By the nature of how I acquired what I acquired, you might get the sense that I am not good with being by myself. But, quite the opposite is true. I like being by myself once I settle in to being alone. I like puttering and, that, more than anything else is what makes me want to acquire. When I am with my wife, she reminds me that we have all that we ever need...constantly. However, when she's not there, I notice all the things that need doing and that leads to wanting and wanting to acquiring.

Wanting is a poor substitute for companionship or discretionary spending, but it does make me feel good to take care of something without setting the thumbscrews of inquisition into motion. The interlocutor, in this scenario, is my wife asks questions and needs to understand my motivations--something I don't personally have a need of myself. I pretty much have covered that ground when I saw the problem that needed solving, did the research for options, found the best solution and entered credit card data to purchase it.

Now, I am not saying this is a sustainable model of living. I have the kind of mind that can spot a problem within the tips of my fingers, so clearly, I need to rein in my needs a bit or buy a trunk full of lottery tickets and hope for the best. I am, how do you say...impatient. My nature does not want to be fettered by the lack of resources for payment, but alas, I am but a humble public servant. Therefore, I should gladly embrace the much more pecuniary anxieties of my beloved. But where is the fun in that?

Oddly, fun and funeral are separated by "eral" and that is too close to "real" in my book. So, I will behave myself and live within my means--besides, my wife's next trip is in a year. 

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