Friday, December 21, 2012

Happiness is a World

For the moment it appears that the Mayans were not any more accurate than the crazy-eyed people who carry signs that proclaim  the "end is near/nigh" and I couldn't be more glad. I am still getting used to the world despite having lived in it and on it for the last 54 years. As I expect you might, I have my qualms about our Terra Firma and those who inhabit it. But the one thing I'd hope you'd agree with me about it is: I'm glad it is here.

Even with recent discoveries of other distant planets in far off galaxies that may likely support out life forms, it's not likely we are going to relocate anytime soon. In part it is a matter of convenience. We do have a perfectly workable planet, for the moment, that is able to sustain us and, although it appears the landlord is constantly upping the rent, it is still a whole lot more desirable than packing up all our crap and having to move, you know?

With all the spectacle about various predictions of our planetary demise, it is easy to assume that it is a matter of time before we get what we've asked for (and why are we doing that again?). If we were able to vote on it, I still think we have enough votes to re-elect earth as our home in a landslide--well, poor choice of words, but you get it. Besides, imagine uprooting the kids in the middle of the school year, boarding a space ship, and relocating to another distant planet? How many parents are prepared to deal with the "are we there yet" questioning for the rest of their natural lives? Not many, that's for sure.

No, if you ask me, we are quite lucky to have a planet--any planet. It's true that we can't all agree what to do with it. Some want to suck all the essence out of its interior to keep us warm in the winter and cool in the summer. Some want to convert tar into oil--like alchemists wanted to turn lead into gold. Some want to preserve every square inch of it or have a wind turbine on every acre of it. But I think the end goal is still the same one--to have a place to live for the foreseeable future with the ability to charge our cellphones.

I don't think that it is a coincidence that one of our basic needs is shelter and Mother Earth has done pretty well for most of us in providing that (excluding mudslides, volcanic eruptions, and the occasional earthquake, tsunami, etc.). However, don't you think that it irritates her that we are looking for a better place to live? I mean think about it, she sets a nice table, has terrific guest facilities, and yet, we are looking for a planet with a better Zagat rating?

Even a great mom has her limits and can we really blame her if she kicks us out of the house? I'm not willing to tempt her, so if she wants me to pick up my socks, I will pick up my socks.

I have found a lot of happiness in this world: pleasure, purpose, and passion. And I don't do well in cramped spaces.

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