Friday, April 16, 2010

A Moment of Perfection

Today, while I was commuting to work on the bus, I had a rare moment of experiencing perfection. The bus driver on my route, a generally quiet but diligent man, played classical music which is turned up to a level that the entire bus can't help but hear it. One of the riders was listening to an instrumental hip-hop piece on his iPod which he played at a high enough level for him to drown out the classical music and simultaneously loud enough to me to hear, even though he had earbuds.

So, while others texted, read their newspapers, stared blankly out of the bus window, I was treated to the blend of both urbane and urban music which synced up to produce a symphony that had to be heard to be believed. As the bus rolled toward my destination, I smiled in a secretive way that comes from knowing something to which others are not a party.

Differences between people can often cause disharmony; but this morning, this splendid, sunny Friday morning, two very different people created the most beautiful music I have ever heard. Too bad they couldn't hear it too.

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