Wednesday, November 14, 2007

The Dumb Will Inherit the Earth

I wonder if all the analysis of politics has discovered what I have learned anecdotally, that dumb people win elections. That is not to say dumb candidates win (although are examples fo some who do). No, it in close elections it is the dumb voter that wins the race.

Now the dumb vote works two ways: a) they don't vote at all--which could make them smarter than I am giving them credit for b) they vote for the worse of the two candidates in key electoral states (Refer to 2000 and 2004 elections).

I used to think that candidates actually tried to appeal to this large voting bloc, but I think it is simply too difficult to reach them, short of playing Toby Keith tunes at a campaign stop.

As long as a person has a pulse and will be 18 on election day, they can vote. The conventional wisdom is the illiterate will be left out because they can't read the ballot...or find a polling place, but they aren't the same as the dumb.

The dumb will vote but will do so with their primordial brains. For instance, they can take in the same information as the rest of us and come up with a conclusion that is lacking in logic--e.g., "the Mexicans are taking all our good jobs" (yes, millions of qualified Americans are lining up at meat processing plants to shoot cattle in the head and gut them in sub-zero temperatures).

The dumb are easily identifiable as they cast more votes for American Idol than for Congress, bedeck their cars and trucks with flags and magnets which serve to help the rest of us avoid driving next to them.

Geographically many people believe they live mostly in the South or Southwest, but clearly, they are everywhere and multiplying. You can find yahoos from Maine to California, though they tend to like high plains states or areas with motor speedways conveniently nearby.

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