Wednesday, June 27, 2018

The Self-Importance of Being Earnest

I'll admit it, I don't like people who are laboring all the time. Since I've lived in Iowa, I see this more often than other places I've lived. I don't know if it is because of the religious movements that historically brought guilt-ridden people to live here, if it is the residue of the pioneer spirit, or what have you, but there seem to be  an inordinate amount of  earnestly hardworking people in Iowa. This endlessly annoys me.

   In my estimation, the reason we are in the earthly pickle we are in is because of people like these. Never happy with their circumstances, they are constantly in motion improving, cleaning, sprucing, building, adding on--ad infinitum. We have plowed up the majority of the earth's resources for weekend DIY projects. This constant motion is one of the reasons Americans are deemed so productive (a word I feel must have been invented by an American). I don't think the French have a word for "home-improvement."

   Added to this, most people are so "aw shucks" about their work, that I want to strangle them. As an illustration, a recent conversation with my neighbor "Bill."

Me: "Hey, Bill, how's it going?" 
Bill: "Pretty good. Just reglazing the sidewalk. I was rewiring the kitchen the other day and, you know, I thought the walk looked sort of dingy. So I says to myself, when I was power-washing the house later on, why not spruce that up a bit.  I mentioned to the old lady and she put down the blanket she was knitting for the Homeless Relief  and said, "You know, Bill, that is a good idea. But before you do that, can you reshingle the roof like you promised me?" Well, of course, I had to get that off the honey-do list, so I'm just getting around to it this afternoon. Say what time is it?" 
Me: "Twelve-thirty." 
Bill: "Phew, I thought the brioche I have in the oven might be burnt, but I still have 10 minutes. Though that does remind me that I need to drop down to the basement and empty the clothes dryer.  Good talking to you, neighbor." 
Me: "Hope you die falling down the steps, Bill." 

   The last line was internal dialogue, I am not a total monster. But, I think you see my point. As I am laying in my hammock writing this, I knocked over my iced tea. I might have to do something about that.

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