Friday, June 8, 2018

Post Haste

Sometimes I write creatively in a hurry. The words flow in and out of me quickly and a pretty good posting is produced like magic. However, sometimes I regret not letting the content sit in the draft folder a little longer and revisit it before unleashing it on the "world." I call this rush to publish "post haste". In a city of writers, I'm sure there are a few writers who feel the way I do when they prematurely publish their work. Fortunately, the electronic world is more forgiving than the bound on paper variety. Editing after the fact is still permissible and, categorically, has saved me from feeling like a total idiot on a few occasions.

I learned that Webster once published a non-word in its dictionary and it took 13 years to fix it. It is so unusual, they give these non-words a name. They call them "ghost words." Perhaps I will start calling my faux pas postings "ghost posts," particularly when I don't reshape them in time for a wandering eye to run across them.

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