Thursday, March 17, 2016

It’s All About Movement (for TW)

I have no interest in what might happen, if only….
I have great interest in the “and then what happened?”
Straining and self-flagellating oneself intellectually for false hope is
A pointedly pointless exercise.
Tell me what you are doing to make your invention possible or tangible.
Your sea of dreams is bountiful and the imaginings flailing about in the mind brine
Catch and release all too easily.
Keeping those dreams alive in the brain bowl requires constant stirring, whirring, and motion.
Neurons must fire, synapses must open and close—the heart and head must bob along
With the soundtrack of your life amped up.
People are actors by our natures. We take the shape of the container
That we most resemble.

I have no interest in what you might do someday,
I only want to know: how did it go?
I chomp at the leathery bit of what’s next.
There is a sun-faded van in a driveway that holds you
Holds your future
But has no hold on you.
Marie Rainier Rilke
Told us of the great space
Just a step outside our window;
It holds everything we need or want
But we hold the phone.
We speculate.
We question.
It is a step and then another
And then another.
We misstep and regret.
We stop in our tracks
And cover them.
Because why would we matter,
If we weren’t the matter that moves?
Motion is everything and we sometimes can’t,
To move.
We are tempted to pull the blanket over our collective heads and declare it over.
But, in so doing, we can marvel at the static electrical storm that we have created
And the ozonated, clean smell emanating from our rubbing hair against flannel.

We can rise out of the great space that is infinite and suffocating
And feel our backbone straighten.
We can move beyond the pain of the moment
And the irritating inconvenience of life yet unfulfilled.

It’s all about movement and we are moving.
Maybe in small crawl, sprawling steps.
Maybe in a dancer’s leaps and bounds.
Maybe over the din of hesitant hiccups of misfiring muscles.
Maybe under the power of a machine breathing light and life into us.
But until the stars in the universe douse themselves in our sweat and tears,
We are moving.

We are moving slowly.
We are moving at break neck speed.
We are moving in spirals and at a loss.
We are moving until we can no longer bend.

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